Thursday, April 8, 2010

April 7, 2010-More Critters-Robins-Junco-Sparrow

I couldn't help it. I had to take a picture of that cat going to the bathroom. Ha! Those two Robins seem to be a pair. They are the only ones I see every day in that same spot. Do Robins have nests in the bushes?? They always seem to be on the ground. I haven't spotted any Gold Finches yet. Or any other strange birds for that matter.


Tony nile life said...

Robbins do nest in the hedgerows. they will also nest in places like mail boxes under car hoods barns wherever but not on the ground.
that cat has no shame it wanted to go and thats it.

The Retired One said...

You made me laugh about taking the picture of the cat!

Rick (Ratty) said...

I like the cat picture. It appeals to my sense of humor. I had a similar picture with a deer about a week ago, but I took it down because I had a page break that was interfering with a video. I think I might put the picture in a new post now.

I see robins on the ground most of the time too. My niece was asking me what the birds were on the ground she saw a few days ago. They were too far away to identify, but I knew they were robins. I took a zoomed in picture just to show her it was true.

rainfield61 said...

Seems like we are having a new friend. Say Hi!!

tony said...

Hi Ginny Treat yourself to my todays walk on the wetlands in Luxor Egypt. cut and paste into your browser.