We got a little snow today. Wish it had been more though. I don't think we even got a half inch. The squirrels were enjoying it. The deer and foxes didn't come down till after dark so didn't get any photos of them. And I can't get up on my little stool to look out the top of my bedroom window to take flash pics. My leg is too sore to do that yet. That is my strongest leg. I can't step up with the other leg at all. I sure don't want to be falling off a 5 inch stool.. Besides, I have enough photos I think..Ha! Ha!
We went walking in a regional park today and it made me think of you. I saw a beautiful coyote but he was limping. His right hide leg seemed to be injured. It made me think of your fox.
Lovely collages again Ginny, the snow does make it look pretty! Your Cardinals are so striking, such a pretty colour.
I forgot to say, in my email, I am really pleased your injured Fox is doing so well :)
You have so many squirrels and birds at one time.
They seem to be not afraid of the chilly winter.
Thanks Martha, Jan and Rain. I'm not sure when I will have more pictures. I fell again and this time I broke my wrist. I'm right handed too and that is the one I broke. the full story is on my other blog. I will try to keep up with you all. Life sure sucks right now.
Such a great variety of birds. It makes me wish mine were as easy to see. The photo where all the squirrels and the birds were gathered together eating made me smile and laugh with joy.
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