Saturday, August 25, 2012

August 25, 2012-Fawns-Gray Fox Pup-Dad Fox In Fog

 Yep! I'm taking her picture as she's peeing..LOL
 This little pup is always alone. I never see any siblings. I thought there was another one but never see it.
 The squirrels were watching the pup and two of them ended up jumping right down there near him. He just looked at them..
 The daddy fox on a foggy morning.
These two were coming a bit too close so I had to open the window and get them back up behind that wall. If they ever get too far in they might get spooked and run the wrong way, which is a dead end and the only way out is up over the wall. They could break a leg or get their hooves caught in that fencing.


Sean Seshadri said...
Awesome pics.............of wild life

Sean Seshadri said...

sean seshadri
High Quality Blogging by blogger.....

Unknown said...

I like this type of wild life post.......
Ink and Cartridges