These are the woods out in back. Some men were back there cutting down trees in the morning. There goes some of the animal's homes. I'm sure there were bird nests back there and some squirrel nests. When the trees fell all I could think of was some baby squirrels getting killed. That's what happens. Men move into the animal's territory and they have less and lees area to live in. Then people wonder why they have animals wandering around there yards.. pretty soon that area will be all open space and lots more water will drain down also.

Here's a little Vole. And a European Starling being nosy.

This BlueJay was chopping his nut apart and eating it.

This is the new little squirrel that comes around now. He seems to be the only one so far. His tree has been spared so far but it is right in that area.

A Turkey Hawk flying overhead and a squirrel jumping off a branch. Also the little one is up in the tree. What a beautiful day it was! Only in the 50's but perfect for me.

The Mourning Doves are always around. They were all upset when those guys were chopping down the trees. All the birds were very upset. As well as the squirrels. I never heard them so noisy. Can't blame them. Some were afraid they were losing their homes and some did.

And my last photos for the day were these two chipmunks hiding from the female fox.
Someone should tell "whoever" is responsible that THIS IS NOT the time to cut down trees. I can only hope that there weren't any active native bird nests lost. (Sigh)
Cool captures Ginny. Happy May Day!
So many wonderful photos, cute squirrrel
The zoo is now so lively.
Lovely shots again today. With warm weather I hope you get a chance to get out more and enjoy it.
I am constantly amazed at how beautiful the world is through your pictures!!
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