The Female Cardinal and a Male Cardinal getting ready to fly off. And a plane going by above.

The mother squirrel near her nest on a very windy day. You can also see her tail as she goes back in. She never did come down to eat. Had to stay near her babies, if there are any in there.

A mother squirrel and one hiding in the rock wall during the rain.

The daddy gray fox. These are not good photos because it was getting dark. I turned them into black and white because the color wasn't good.

A female Cardinal

The sky the other night after the rain storm.
Hope you have a lovely Easter,
Your Easter-y site is gorgeous. Have a lovely Easter.
You know ME...can't beat those female cardinal photos! LOL
Thanks Steve. You also!
Thank you Emma. Happy Easter!
Joan. I can't wait to see the baby Cardinals. If those darn Cowbirds don't ruin their nests and eggs. Happy Easter!
Happy Easter! I loved your two captures of the shy Grey Fox.
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