Distant shots of the Turkey hawks. They were landing in an old corn field on top of Putts Hill. This is up behind the area where I live. I rode up there hoping to see other critters or birds but I didn't see anything.

An old farm on Putts Hill. Everything looks so barren right now but soon it will all be green again.

This is at the Ilion marina, along the Canal. Not a soul was there. Not even a bird. Won't be long before this place will be bustling with people.

And back home to my critters. I see much more right from my windows..Ha! A few Chipmunks getting ready to mate and a Vole peeking out from one of his temporary winter holes.

The Tufted Titmouse, a Robin and a Mourning Dove taking a nap in the sun.. I worry about those doves doing that. They are easy pickings for the hawks.

And the mother squirrel along the branches by her nest.
Hi Ginny. Just goes to show that YOU don't have to go anywhere to see plenty of wildlife. Hope you've had a good weekend.
You must be very happy to have such a lovely wake up song.
Lovely photos again Ginny, my first thought before I scrolled down was that you see so much more from your own window ;) You have your very own Nature reserve there, what a privilege!
I love the photos of the Robin and the female Cardinal on the previous post, really lovely. Your Robin is so different from ours, much, much bigger!
Some lovely shots, the marina area was barren of snow, getting warmer I would say.
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