The beginning of the day. not much snow on the trees yet. All the squirrels were down to get their bellies full in case they can't make it after all the snow falls.

Lots of birds too. I'm getting more and more Starlings now. Don't like to see them show up. They eat all the food too fast. but I like watching them also.

The snow is coming down heavier now. Lots of birds around.

The BlueJays and Cardinals sure do stand out against all that white snow.

A Tufted Titmouse in the snowy bush. It was sitting there all alone. Don't know where it's mate was but they usually travel in pairs.

Lots of snow falling.. Quite a few Juncos around.

The parking lot before they plowed. This was early. Still lots more snow to fall. I love how that little Pine Tree looked with all the snow on it.

View from one of my windows. That rock wall is right outside and I have to look up. I can't see over the top. Sometimes I stand on a stool to get better photos.

More scenery. The back hill and side yard.

This squirrel was digging in the snow for his nuts.

Lots of birds taking shelter in the bush.

Beautiful Cardinals and a couple of House Sparrows.
I'm putting the rest of the photos in the next post. There's so many. But I loved the snow.
I'm putting the rest of the photos in the next post. There's so many. But I loved the snow.
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