This was in the early morning as the sun was peeking through the woods and the squirrels and BlueJays were all over the place.

This deer was coming down from the hill in the evening. It was almost 6:00 pm.

Two of the deer waiting by the woods. They got spooked for a second and ran. Now they are checking out the territory to make sure it's safe to come back for some apples and nuts.

Another deer is coming down from the back hill but stayed off in the distance.

These two finally ventured back over to where I could see them better but it was starting to get too dark to get good photos. I have to take them from behind the window. If I could have opened the window and used the flash I'd get better ones but I did not want them to run away. I'd rather observe them as long as I can.

Don't know where the injured nose one was. Didn't see him at all. He was probably off wandering around by himself in another area.
They are eating well it sounds like.I think you have found the right times to watch them.
You've captured them in so many nice natural poses - must be lovely to see. I hope you're doing well.
Beautiful photo's ... I can send you a few more deer if you need them for additional photo's - ha,ha ... we have 'extra' squirrels in case you need them also! Nature is amazing ... katie
Lovely photos both here and on the last post Ginny! Those Deer have such sweet faces.
I love the header photo. I think if you left the window open he would be in there and helping himself to the nuts :)
It is good to be back and watch all my friends in your place.
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