The skies were so blue. I'm keeping an eye on this squirrel's nest.

The sun is just peeking through the woods and a few squirrels are running around.

This is the mother squirrel by her nest and when she was down on the ground but way back where I couldn't see her very well.

The sun going down and a male cardinal in the sunset.

One of the skunks. I'm starting to smell them all the time now. I can hear them arguing out there sometimes before I smell them.
The Black-capped Chickadee is so much like our Coal Tit, Ginny! I love the Cardinal in the glow of the sunset.
I hope you have some nice perfume to sniff as an alternative to the Skunk :)
All those pretty little Chipmunks on the previous post, sooo sweet!
On earlier posts the Blue Jay really didn't look impressed with the snow ;) and that Red-winged Blackbird is very unusual looking. So nice to see the Pileated Woodpeckers. I never find woodpeckers easy to photograph.
Lovely photos throughout!
Hugs... :)
Ginny, Your photos are always amazingly good. Those Skunks are something else!
I am lucky not to smell the skunks. lol.
Great pictures! I like the cardinal.
Thanks Jan, Jean, Rain and Samuel. I'm sick right now so haven't been keeping up with blogs too much. Got a bad cold. My first one since I broke my wrist over a year ago. I hate it!
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