Female Cardinals

Male and female Cardinals

The wind got bad and we had a few white outs early in the day. It was around 35 degrees to start the day and steadily dropped as the day went by.

Some of the birds in the bush trying to stay out of the wind.

A dew squirrels were around. You can see the one sitting near her nest. She stayed in the nest most of the day. Sure am glad she built it well. Or the male. I think the males help build the nests for the females that they got pregnant and then they go away. They don't help the females with their young. They go looking for another female..Ha!

Some Juncos and a few Starlings in the bush.

Male Cardinal with a Junco. I think it's cute how the little birds huddle around the bigger ones.

The squirrel's nest after all the wind died down at the end of the day. Still standing!
The squirrels seemed to be good architects.
Gorgeous shots like always Ginny!
I have a nest they seem to remodel.You find lots of cut twigs under it when they are under construction.
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