I spotted the Weasel again today, or Ermine as they are called. A Chipmunk got caught by him and almost had his last day on earth but I opened the window and scared the weasel and the chipmunk got away. I'm adding the video here. I had to put my camera down to open the window so didn't get the chipmunk's escape but sure glad he did!! I felt so bad for him. Those Ermine's are cute but vicious.
Ginny, What an amazing video!!!
You are that chipmunk's Guardian Angel. I am leaning so much about wildlife from your site. Thanks!
What a cool header!!
wonderful video, boy was he quick. Thank goodness you rescued it. You get such wonderful visitors
Oh my goodness, Ginny!! I know people say we shouldn't interfere with Nature but I'm so glad you did, I would have done the same. I'm so glad the little Chipmunk was unscathed, they are such pretty little creatures :)
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