This woodchuck is still trying to get that plastic up. He has really chewed it a lot. I think he wants to use it in his den. He had no luck this day.

A Chipmunk with full cheeks and a couple foxes. I don't see the foxes much but they are still around I'm sure.

Spotted this young squirrel today. It's kind of late in the season for such young ones. Looks like it's mom under that bush. And another squirrel was digging around in the grass for something.

These three younger skunks were down early tonight.

This is the daddy fox. He still comes every morning and sits there like that,waiting for me to throw out the nuts. I noticed he has a slit in one of his ears now. Must have gotten in a fight or cut it on something. Maybe the pups were playing too rough.. It's all healed though. The little chipmunk was watching him. The chipmunk with the broken foot has disappeared so he probably has gotten killed. He sure was a tough one. He ran down dozens of times to fill up on nuts every day and ran back up there to the back woods. I figured he'd get caught sooner or later. Maybe that Weasel got him. But I haven't seen the weasel again. The fox might get him... That's nature.
Ginny, Your photos are so wonderful! It warms my heart every time I visit your blog.
It is another Sunday, with so many animals around.
i so enjoy your posts Gin. nice photography.
Good collages! I like the picture of the fox and the chipmunk. Have a great Sunday!
I love your photos and posts and always look forward to them.
Lovely photos as always, Ginny. I love the one of the Chipmunk with the full cheeks, so sweet.
How lovely that you had a visit from a new creature as well, the Weasel is a pretty little thing.
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