My woodchuck turns out to be a female. She brought her baby down with her today but the fox was out there at the same time. She had to scold her baby to get out of there. Then she chased the fox away but the baby ran back up to the hill I guess. I never could find it. I got so nervous that I didn't get the video of the woodchuck chasing the fox. All I got was my window sill so I had to cut that part out.. I hope I see the baby again. It sure is a rough world out there for babies.
Loved the vid never seen a wood chuck before, nice one .
How adorable is THAT????? Wow, never saw a baby woodchuck before, EVER!
I'm with them, I've never seen a baby WC before. Pretty darn cute!
I agree, it's a tough world out there for little ones!
The baby is so cool!
The first time I ever saw a baby woodchuck. And the video and the story is great. Just seeing the woodchuck scold then protect the baby was great.
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