We finally got some snow. I tried to beat it but when I came out of the store yesterday there was an inch on my car. It came down real heavy at noon. But it was real pretty. Got a few pics of the squirrels and birds in it. I was glad to get home. The wind picked up and it got a lot colder and blustery as the day went by. Went down below zero overnight. Brrrr!
These are all such nice photos...loved the one with the cardinal peeking out with its bright red color!
It snows, but the little critters were still out there.
This place must be their home. They finally have to come back here, to the little zoo.
I thought I'd add the video so you can see how blustery it was.
The snow always makes things look pretty.
We got two inches last night. It looks pretty coming down. Pretty or not I'm ready for spring.
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