The Crows all gather in a big group just before dark and then they all take off towards the West. There are hundreds of them! I have no idea where they are going but it must be a safe spot to sleep in. Then they all come back in the morning to the back hills here.

You sure have a lot of crows. How do your animals survive the winter. It looks sooooo clold in your photos.
I've seen only two crows all year here. Last year I saw a few small flocks of them. I read somewhere that a flock of crows is called a "murder". I wish I was in the right place to get a few photos of them. While it may be cold, it appears that the animals are well prepared.
Crows are the most common bird over here. I do not like them, their behaviour, and their voice.
Wonderful shots..loved the hawk one.
Have you ever thought of posting single shots now and then rather than all collages?
Great photos Ginny, I bet those Crows are noisy! The Hawk is an impressive looking bird, rather like our Sparrowhawk.
We have had heavy snow across the whole country which today has turned to ice and it looks set to stay this way for some time with more snow forecast.
Thanks for your comments everyone. I wish I could get a close up of that hawk but he doesn't come near enough yet. I do have some great close ups from a couple years ago. I love how they look.
Crows are very noisy. I'm glad I only hear them at dusk. I feel sorry for the people to the west where they have real bad problems with them.
Joan. I could put single photos up but I save so much time doing it this way and I print them out this way also.
The squirrels seem undaunted by the snow.
We are having snow and ice too, it's 1 degree right now! I keep the feeders full and try to feed the deer some everyday but other than that I am staying inside. Hope you are having a good day Ginny!
joy at grannymountain
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