Only got the baby's back end before he ran off up over the hill. He's starting to come down more. Maybe following his mom.

One of the fox pups and his mom heading back to the woods while the squirrel watches cautiously.

A fox pup with his mom. They both seem to be watching something in the woods. Probably the other pups.

This little guy got inside somehow and was on my arm then hopped over to the window sill onto a cup lid. I finally got him back outside where he belonged.. He even jumped on my camera lens at one time..Ha! But too blurry to see anything.

A juvenile female Cardinal.
I like your critters...
I bet that baby woodchuck will stay around longer as soon as he realizes you're not another fox.
I like the grasshopper poem.
The squirrel that watches cautiously is so funny.
Nice verse. I thought of you when I read a blog with a lady who rescued a wild piglet in Italy.
Awesome collages! I love the woodchucks, and I have never seen one.
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