Granny Fox under my bedroom window early in the morning. She will come there when my living room drapes aren't open yet. She knows where to find me..Ha! She has such a nice disposition. I wish I could pet her..

One of the other skunks on his way home. He got his nuts and treats then went up to the top of the alley and rested a bit before going over the rock wall and heading into the woods.
This skunk has to be from a different family of skunks. The white on his back is distinct stripes while the others are white all across their backs.
Life goes on and on...
These are very nice, I like that skunk.
Granny Fox really is a sweetheart!
There is always something going on outside your window Ginny :)
Hi Emma. Yes. That skunk is more traditional looking and probably does come from a different mother. Last year there were a family of them like that. That one is friendlier than the other one that looks like it. The one that has a white tip on it's tail is the stinky one. Ha!
Yes Rain. Life always goes on and on outside that window. Never a dull moment..ha ha!
Jan. I know. I am lucky to be able to view all these critters. The landlord might not like it but I do..Ha!
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