This young female Cardinal sat still long enough for me to get some nice shots of her. So pretty against the fall colors of the trees in the background.

This Chipmunk was stuffing his mouth full of leaves to take back to his den. They are all doing that right now. getting ready for winter. This older female fox came down but I didn't see her mate. She's getting fatter and hopefully will make it through another winter.

These three fat skunks are always out there every night. Others are around too. Some come before dark.
Your are having a golden page.
All the critters have the golden touch too.
OH MY. That Cardinal picture is absolutely breathtaking...she is gorgeous!
You need to submit this to Birds and Blossom (or some other magazine!) for publication...seriously!
you always capture such great and unusual poses
Gorgeous Cardinal photos Ginny! I had never heard of them until I started blogging, now they are as familiar as our birds. How I would love to see one in reality though :)
Great pictures!
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