In the early morning I first see the sun on the tops of the trees and then a short time later I can see it coming up through the back woods. These pictures were taken at the same time.

I missed getting a good shot of the fox when he was on top of that wall. He was looking down towards me before he turned around but I didn't get my camera in time. Then he was watching another fox coming down from the back hill. He's not quite sure if it's a safe one or not before he ran back there to check.

They both seemed a bit leary of each other at first. But they are siblings. I guess they have separted now and gone off on their own but will still come together at times. They have to make sure they know each other first. I love how they fluff up their tails and hump their backs.

Then the one came back over to eat more nuts and this one followed soon after. He or she had to stop and sniff along the way.

They are back to eating the nuts out there now.

I like to catch them with their mouth open now and then so I can check ther teeth. These pups have grown up nice and healthy it seems. Hope they survive the winter.

It's the end of another month. How fast time seems to go. This is how the moon looked tonight behind some haze.