It's been real frosty in the mornings lately but warms up during the day.

Our temperatures have been in the 50's and close to 60 the past few days. Real nice!
A pretty Black-Capped Chickadee. There are quite a few around now. And one of the BlueJays and a squirrel sitting in the tree.

An airplane that goes over a lot and the back woods.

One of the fox pups that was born this year. He's really healthy looking but today I noticed a strip of fur gone off his back side. Looks almost like a bullet sliced through it. Thank heavens he wasn't cut. I'm hearing gunshots off in the distance a lot now. Just hope I never see a wounded one again like last year. I'd rather have them shot dead on the spot than suffer like that.

Sitting on the edge of the bushes. There's a dog tied up in the yard next door. I think he was keeping an eye on it.

The sliver of the moon and the foxes just before dark and the sky after sunset. Tomorrow is going to be another beautiful day after another frosty night.