Thank you Ratty for identifying this Butterfly for me!! Here's a little information about it.
There are several forms of this species, two so distinct that they were treated as separate species for many years. Subspecies arthemis and rubrofasciataThe White Admiral, have a deep purplish-black ground colour on the upperside, with a broad white band crossing both wings. There is a row of spots, blue with often a small amount of red in arthemis , adjacent to the outer margin of the white band on the hindwing.
The underside of both subspecies is pale reddish brown with bright brick-red spots along the outer margin and the near the base; the white bands are repeated on the underside
Habits: Roads and clearings in wooded areas are where this butterfly is most often seen. They like to sun themselves on leaves or on gravel roads, where they periodically open and close their wings. They are rarely seen on flowers, but congregate on rotting fruit and animal dung.

My oldest female Gray Fox. She's a beauty!

Tufted Titmouse, young squirrel and the female coon.

The female Raccoon out before dark. I love watching her.